Message from our CEO
Dear colleagues,
As the world, our nation, and our state continues to respond to the rapidly spreading threat of COVID-19, we continue to face new challenges as a company.
During this time, Get Well Food will continue to operate to the fullest extent as safely as possible.
We will continue to wear our masks and follow safety protocols as instructed by the CDC; this includes continued weekly testing of staff and employees.
We are here to support you and your families in this trying time by following the necessary regulations to keep everyone safe.
For those who choose to work remotely, it is permissible to continue to do so to eliminate too much contact.
We welcome our asynchronous workers who may not feel comfortable coming in person quite yet.
Our goal is to protect your health and well-being through these difficult times. This includes keeping a healthy mind as well as a healthy body.
The unprecedented challenges that COVID-19 has created have impacted our lives, unlike anything previously imagined.
Get Well Food hopes to continue to support our customers, staff, and employees during this time as we continue to grow as a community.
We are all in this together. We will get out of this pandemic together.
Thank you.
Deschon Winston
Get Well Food CEO